Workshop – Inkompletter Querschnitt

- 1 February 2024 -

NR 52 – 24

19.02. – 23.02.2024

Cathy Eustace (PT, IBITA Bobath Advanced Course Instructor)
Adrian Pajak (PT, IBITA Bobath Instructor)

Physiotherapeuten, Ergotherapeuten, Ärzte

Zielgruppenspezifische abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung

795 €

Kursprache: Englisch mit Übersetzung

Die Behandlung und Erholung von Patienten mit inkompletter Querschnittssymptomatik.

Assessment and Treatment of the incomplete spinal cord injured client, where the pathology may be from trauma or disease processes such as tumour or multiple sclerosis, presents unique challenges to the clinician. Theory will include motor control of the ascending and descending systems, neurophysiology underlying hyper-reflexia and plasticity of the spinal cord. Clinically we will explore potential for regaining locomotion and reach to grasp; every clients goal. Additionally, unique aspects of the spinal cord injured client will be considered such as impact of manual propulsion on recovery of the upper limb, the challenge of regaining a dynamic pelvis when seated for PADL and ADL and the role of achieving core stability of the head – thorax when fear of moving the head pervades.

Through patient demonstrations, patient treatment sessions, and practical sessions the course participant will gain an opportunity to translate theoretical knowledge into clinical applications to address functional recovery in persons with incomplete spoinal cord injury. The model of Bobath clinical practice (MBCP) will be utilized to explore clinical reasoning at an Advanced level.

Course Objectives:
The course participant will gain an understanding of:

  • The model of Bobath clinical practice (MBCP) to explicate the clinical presentation and treatment plan of an individual with an incomplete spinal cord pathology
  • The development of clinical reasoning and handling of the iSCI client at an Advanced level
  • Evaluation skills using patient centered outcome measures
  • Theory specific to the iSCI including hyper reflexia, plasticity of the spinal cord and spinal cord organisation of ascending and descending systems
  • The relationship of postural control for recovery of selective movement, a fundamental principle of the Bobath Concept, with a focus on the unique challenges of the iSCI

Wichtiges & Organisatorisches
Der Kurs findet in englischer und deutscher Sprache statt. Die englischen Elemente werden übersetzt.


* Die Vergabe der Fortbildungspunkte erfolgt vorbehaltlich bis zu einer Einigung auf Spitzenverbandsebene.