Bobath Advanced Course IBITA recognized
„Advanced Clinical Reasoning bei neurologischen Dysfunktionen von Haltung und Bewegung und deren funktionellen Auswirkungen“
20.11. – 24.11.2023 in Kassel
Victor Urquizo (PT, IBITA Bobath Advanced Instructor)
Miguel Benito Garcia (IBITA Bobath Advanced Instructor)
Physiotherapeuten, Ergotherapeuten, Ärzte
Zielgruppenspezifische abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung, erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einem Bobath Grundkurs (IBITA anerkannt)
795 €
Kursprache: Englisch mit Übersetzung
As an Advanced level in Bobath concept training, this course allows the therapist to deepen their posture and movement analysis, as well as their facilitation skills, beyond the level taught in the Basic Course – The Assessment and Treatment of Adults with Neurological Conditions
The main objective of this course is to understand the postural control and movement dysfunctions after central nervous system lesion (stroke, TBI, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury), understanding the relationship between the positive and negative signs after a upper motor neuron lesion. Furthermore, the course will prove an understanding of the functional consequences of a brainstem and cerebellum lesion by disturbing the voluntary movement coordination and also the balance regulation (ataxia).
The IBITA Advanced course consists in theoretical components, clinical reasoning sessions related to treatment demonstrations incorporating the Model of Bobath Clinical Practice, practical components, in addition to patient with neurological disorders assessment, treatment and evaluation by course participants.
Specific objectives:
- Promote an evidence-informed approach based on up-to-date literature in relation to upper motor neuron lesion.
- Deepen the relationship between the brainstem and the cerebellum with the coordination and regulation of movement and posture.
- Implement clinical reasoning strategies for people with neurological disorders.
- Understand the relevance of neural weakness in spastic movement disorder.
- Identify the patient’s potential to achieve optimal functional activity.
- Acquire facilitation skills (manual, verbal and environmental) for the treatment of adult patients with neurological conditions at an advanced level.
Theoretical components
- Overview and state of the art
- Muscle Tone vs Postural Muscle Tone
- Postural control – importance of ipsilateral weakness
- Physiology underlying muscle tone regulation
- Supraspinal control (cortex, basal ganglia, brainstem and cerebellum)
- Descending systems
- Spinal control (muscle spindle, OTG, interneurons, propiospinal, Renshaw, persistent internal currents)
- Muscle
- Upper Motor Neurone Syndrome (negative and positive) and Spastic Movement Disorder
- Hypotonia and weakness
- Spasticity
- Spastic co-contraction
- Associated reactions
- Spastic dystonia
- Clonus
- Stiffness (Parkinson’s disease)
- Dystonia
- Muscle contracture – Non-neural changes
- Botulinum toxin
- Physiology of the cerebellum with respect to movement and posture
- Functional division
- Motor learning
- Ataxic movement disorders
- Dysmetria
- Postural ataxias
Wichtiges & Organisatorisches
Der Kurs findet in englischer und deutscher Sprache statt. Die englischen Elemente werden übersetzt.
* Die Vergabe der Fortbildungspunkte erfolgt vorbehaltlich bis zu einer Einigung auf Spitzenverbandsebene.