Sarah Martens

Sarah Martens – Physiotherapeutin

Sarah Martens trained as a physiotherapist at the KU Leuven, Belgium, with a speciality in treating neurological patients, which she successfully completed in 2008.

Sarah worked at the University Hospital in Leuven with acute neurological patients from 2008- 2010. 

Sarah works as a physiotherapist with neurological patients, mainly stroke and TBI at the rehabilitation centre Revarte in Edegem, Antwerp, since 2010.  She supervises physiotherapy students, and teaches basics from the Bobath Concept for nurses in the rehab center as well as in nursing schools.

She is a qualified Basic Bobath instructor since 2023, with assistantships with Peter Popelier (Belgium), Marc Michielsen (Belgium), Maarten Bossuyt (Belgium) and Catherine Eustace (Canada).